About Us
Crafting Excellence for Every Home

Our Story
At Hanbao Industries India Pvt. Ltd, we believe in making everyday life more comfortable and efficient. Incorporated in 2010 under the PEE PEE group, we have grown from manufacturing PET jars and bottles to becoming a household name in South India.

Our Journey
Hanbao began its journey with the production of PET jars and bottles. In 2012, we expanded into the houseware industry, offering a wide range of plastic products. Over the years, we have consistently grown our product portfolio, now offering over 400 products in the houseware category

Expanding Horizons
In 2016, we ventured into the fan industry by manufacturing tower fans and subsequently added table fans, pedestal fans, wall fans, ceiling fans, and the latest addition—BLDC ceiling fans.
Our continuous drive for innovation also led us to enter the electronics sector by starting SMT manufacturing for PCB assembly

Trusted Brand
Today, Hanbao stands as a trusted name across South India, particularly in the Tamil Nadu region, for providing top-quality fans and unmatched customer service.